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Versus 7 - Darth Maul

And it's another Versus! Today's topic Darth Maul. I liked how this one turned out but again, it comes down to timing for this one. The face and the tattoos was what took up the most time I think. I had skteched out the other arm and the rest of te lightsaber. One thing I have now added to my artistic arsenal is a new pen that allows me to draw white lines. Pretty much all the white on the black suit was done with it, and I love how it looks. Expect me to use it a lot in the future.


Tystarr said...

These are looking pretty spiffy. You just keep improving.

Sooo..What happened to that Guyver pic? lol

Mike Laidman said...

Haha it's in the list of actual 30 minute sketches. These versus battles are entireley seperate.